I can't count how many late nights have I popped a yoga video in the DVD, relaxed my breathing, prepared and stretched my body, and found my mental Zen, when suddenly I'm interrupted by my waking kids. "Mooooooooom, I neeeeed you!!!"
It just doesn't feel right to start all over again, once the concentration's been broken. And forget about doing it during waking hours! "Up dog, down dog" turns into horsey, horsey ride-my-backey, for two giggling little boys.
As for a nice, hot meal for dinner, I often find myself in the same scenario. It's about 4 O' clock when I start thinking about what healthy dish I can cook up for the family. I make mental focus of what ingredients I have, prepare my counter top with pots, pans, spatulas, and spices, and find the mental energy I need to cook a fabulous meal...When I'm suddenly interrupted by two little boys who need cuddles at the same time, or two little boys who need to be broken up from the same toy...or something to break me away from that kitchen. It happens so much that we've gotten used to apple slices and cheese sandwiches for dinner, more often than we should.
Although Yoga is definitely on the back burner these days, I think I've found a solution for those daily, healthy, hot meals I so crave to cook. Are you ready for this? It's one of the oldest cooking methods used in the history of the world, turned into a revolutionary modern convenience. My latest obsession---the Slow Cooker. Yes, that's right, my Crock Pot is going to save my family from hot meal deprivation.
First, let me tell you about the Crock Pot so you can see why I am so optimistic about this.
I went to the book store looking for a new cook book when I saw "The Complete Idiots Guide to Slow Cooking." I've read it cover to cover, and now feel like I am the "Idiot Expert" of slow cooking. The book boasts over and over that slow cooking methods are perfect for people who work full time, or have busy on-the-go schedules.
The ideas being, that they can prepare the meal ahead of time, start the cooker, and walk away. Then later they come home to a house full of pleasant aromas and delicious foods. Slow cookers are not rocket science. They are simple, uncomplicated devices that are also energy efficient. (A Porcelain pottery insert, surrounded by metal)
The food will not burn, rot, or heat up the house, in the slow cooker.
My most favorite thing about the slow cooker: I can prepare a meal when the kids are happy, and time it to be done when the family is hungry.
I think slow cookers are so perfect for mothers with small children, who often have to work around their children's temperaments and moods.
We eat pretty health conscious around here,too, which means not a lot of canned or frozen foods, or instant box meals. We prefer to eat from scratch, using whole foods, herbs, and fresh ingredients. The slow cooker is the prefect compliment to our diets, because it will allow us to eat all the foods we love. It's just less work for me, overall.
We've owned and used a Crock Pot since we got one as a wedding present, but now I am taking this up a notch. I'm getting serious about this slow cooking business!
Today I made Chicken Cacciatore in the slow cooker. I set the timer before church, and when we got home it was ready to eat. This meant no fussy, empty stomachs, and no grumpy, hungry, cooking parents--just a hot meal on the counter! Mmmmmmmmmm.
My goal is to continue experimenting with the "Idiots Guide" until I feel comfortable in finding other Slow cooker cook-books out there. I would love to cook some Ethnic Cuisine in my slow cooker. How about some "Asian Honey-Glazed Walnut Shrimp" slow cooker style?
Who knows-maybe now that I have all this free time I can do a little Yoga.
(uh, huh)