I got pretty addicted to making these hi-pro peanut butter balls when I was last pregnant. Our
midwife at the time gave me some great recipes to increase my daily protein intake. We were pretty adamant about getting at least 100 grams of
protein a day for babies optimal development. During our first pregnancy I would chart down everything I was eating and Micah would count up the protein grams. For our second pregnancy I wasn't as diligent at writing everything down, but felt I had a good idea about what foods were rich in protein. If it was 10 o'clock at night and I was lacking 20 grams I knew I could always pop a PB ball in my mouth to make up for it.
Anyways, I have been making them like crazy these last few days (no, I'm not pregnant, just hungry) and thought I would share the recipe. Kids love em, too.
High protein PB balls1 cup peanut butter
1 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup nutritional yeast (brewers yeast)
1/2 cup honey or molasses (i prefer honey)
1/2 cup sunflower seedsMix by hand into bite sized balls, refrigerate, enjoy!