However, after the fluffy clouds have cleared, and reality has been sinking in, we've been realizing that by some crazy chance, we may not get to stay. I know, I know, we bought land and that's what we've been telling everyone; That we're Cedar City locals now for life!
Micah finishes his student teaching next year and then it's time to get hired. But what if he doesn't get a job here? What if we have to move? What if this was just a short stopping point on our journey? What if I have to start thinking in short terms again?
Now picture me a whining 2 year old screaming, I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna!" because that's how I feel about leaving.
"Now Sally, don't jump ahead of yourself, your thinking, when doors close, windows open." But I still want my windows to open up to this.......