Take some kale, and remove the stalk.
Slice the leaves into 1 to 2 inch pieces.
Lay them all out onto a cookie sheet.
Spread a little olive oil on each piece, and lightly salt.
Bake in the oven at 350, for 5 mins on each side, or until light and crispy.
It is really easy to over-burn, so keep a good eye on them.
I didn't imagine that this heavy, thick, Kale, could turn so light, airy and crispy! It's hard to convey in a photo, but take my word for it! These are so good, and good for you! And kids love them! We just had some friends over for dinner and their normally picky-eater kids ate all the kale chips. Woohoo!
If you live within distance, we've got Kale coming out of our ears, so come partake!