The deadline was Nov 30th, and on Nov. 27th, I was just finishing up the last of the stitches, and sewing on the 20 buttons. In fact, I even thought it would be a good idea to sew on buttons as we drove up the winding canyon. Three buttons into it, I started to get that awful wheezy, motion sickness feeling. A moment later I was dry heaving on the side of the road. Note to self: No more sewing on buttons whilst driving up the canyon.
However, I managed to finish them, and got them sent off on time.
I was grateful for this project. It was a a lot of fun learning how to sew something new. I also couldn't help but smile, every time I thought of my pencil roles in the tiny hands of an African child. I think we take for granted the love and time that goes into handmade gifts, and how much we truly appreciate them when we get one. After doing this project, I knew for sure, this would be a handmade Christmas for our family.
The tutorial for these pencil roles is here. They are so amazingly easy to make, and make cool gifts. I made one for one of our church girls that turned 12 and graduated out of the program. She thought it was the coolest thing ever, and tweeners are hard to please!