I think he loved it because he wore it all day.
It was fun to remind the kids that this was the exact day we got married, all those 6 years ago. Our eldest child was so excited that he went into his room and wrapped up recycled toy-box gifts, for the entire family. He could feel that this was a special and happy day for us, too. (I thought it was funny and coincidental when he gifted me a rubber chicken, like the one on Micah and I's first date)
So, we celebrated by having a really fun and delightful day with our children! With zero prospects of a babysitter, and a whole day of Micah not working, we decided to go out into the world and do lots of fun things!
We started with a trip to the zoo, to see what the dung beetles were up to.
Then we headed over to this awesome soup and salad buffet called Sweet Tomatoes, where we stuffed our bellies with healthy, wholesome yumminess.
The Pumpkin soup was especially delicious!
After that we all came home, took naps, and rested. The kids actually let me and Micah have some much-needed cuddle and alone time, while they slept and played quietly. This was an anniversary miracle!
And then our 4 yr old took a picture of us.
To top off the last part of the day, we made pizza for dinner, and then went swimming in the pool for desert!
It was a wonderful day....and