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dear blog

Dear blog,

I am so sorry I've left you alone a lot lately. I realize how much I miss you and how much you really mean to me. I didn't mean to break up with you so quickly and so hurtfully. I hope you will forgive me and let me explain.

I mean, we've had our rough spots, (like that time I went on vacation for 2 whole weeks), and sometimes I feel like you take too much time away from other things that are important to me. Though don't get me wrong, I still care about you.
I just feel like lately we are growing apart, and my commitment to you feels so inconsistent and unsure. I don't want to lose you, so I'd like us to stay together, but I guess I feel like I'm failing to be what you need me to be. But gosh, that doesn't mean we can't still be friends, or still meet together on occasion, like old times!!

Maybe we can just take this real slowly and not make any rash decisions we'll regret later. I think I'd like that.
And who knows, maybe we can pick up again someday right where we left off.


Yours truly,
