But that didn't work this time. He was still fussing. So, I tried the other side. Then back to the other side. Then back to the other side, until it was very clear to me that he wasn't going back to sleep, no matter how many "sides" I gave him!
There's no baby owner's manual that tells you what to do in this instance. There's only what you feel in your heart is right. It's 2am, I'm half asleep and exhausted, and all I want to do is drift back into my own happy sleep-land. But here I am, rolled up in a blanket on the floor of the toy room, watching this sweet baby.......play.
The whole time I kept thinking, "He's so adorable! So cute and lovable!He can do no wrong in my eyes, not even at 2 am!Tomorrow's gonna be tiring."
Here's a small peek into my morning this morning. (Note the toys he played with are things I don't usually give him: my camera case, a balloon, and the snot bulb. Anything to please a baby at this too-early hour, right parents?):
2:30 am
4:30am, back to sleep, drifting into that happy place we love. Silly baby.