Well, let me explain....
If I feel too cooped up in the house, or if the temperature outside is too cold even for a brisk walk, I start to go nuts. (not silly-nuts, but crying-throwing things-tantrum-nuts) In fact I told Zadok one day that I turn into "Psycho Mommy" if I can't get outside, immediately! That's my way of getting him into the jogging stroller if he's refusing.
"You don't want me to turn into "psycho mommy" do you? Do you? huh?huh?"
He usually complies. Even though he doesn't know what psycho means, the tone of it can't fool anybody. It means I need to get out and do something fast---get some ENDORPHINS!
So, instead of complaining about hating gyms, or having to leave my precious kids, I found a great solution!
I simply asked the Bishop of my ward to grant me a key to the church building. Then I started an exercise group. We meet twice a week and do workout videos. It's just enough to feel like I'm staying fit, and just enough to feel justified for not going nuts on those cold days. The best part is that my kids get to be a part of it. Zadok refers to it as "our" exercise group. He can't wait to go and run laps with mom around the gym. Him and Odin play with the nursery toys and with the other kids, while we moms do Tae-Bo with Billy Blanks.
(You can keep your gym money you all you gym-membership-scamming-business sales-man-suckas!!) Oh yah-and if anyone one reading this is interested and wants to come-call me!
Billy Blanks giving me the thumbs up for being a genius!!