30 days of Happiness - Pumpkin

Tis the season for my favorite flavor--Pumpkin! I look forward to this every year, and for those that know me closely, I can get quite fanatical about it all. Pumpkin ice-cream. pumpkin fudge, pumpkin pie, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cakes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin WHATEVER--I will eat it with a huge smile on my face. My dear husband will bring me home a pumpkin shake every once in a while, as the most romantic gesture ever!
Definitely one of the reasons I've come to love the season of Autumn-for the wonderful flavor of that giant, orange squash. (fused with spices and sugar, of course)

Tonight we watched a funny movie and ate Pumpkin ice-cream. And I can honestly say-- It really made me happy. :)

My friend Emily loves pumpkin, too. In fact, I think she is collecting recipes on her blog.