30 days of Happiness-- These days

Today was an absolutely beautiful, sunny, Autumn day. The wind was so strong that it was blowing all the leaves off of the trees in humungous quantities. As we were coming back from the park, and down our street, we had to stop and stare at this amazing view in front of us!
There were leaves being torn and pulled from every tree lining the street, flying through the air like torpeedos, twirling through the air like wild dancers, charging wrecklessly down the street like castrated bulls, blowing uncontrollably in every direction! It was a phenomenal sight to see, with yellows, oranges, browns and reds, mesmerizing our very eyes!

We decided to follow some of the leaves. They took us on a zig zagging trail, back and forth and down the street, until we came to a small hill, covered with....more leaves!

Zadok and I raked the leaves into large piles. Odin sat in the middle, smiling a big smile. We ran and jumped in those leaves. We rolled in those leaves. We threw those leaves into each others hair. We buried Odin in leaves until all we could see was his big, brown eyes. We three sat there and sang a silly tune,

"If I were a leaf, a leaf, a leaf,
If I were a leaf,
I'd twirl in the air like this!

If I were a leaf, a leaf, a leaf,
If I were a leaf,
I'd blow through the air like this!

If I were a leaf, a leaf, a leaf,
If I were a leaf,
I'd fall to the ground like this!"

We spend our days much like this one; Wandering, exploring, and finding silly things to do. I love my children so much (so much!!!) and I feel so lucky that I get to play with them like this every day. These are the greatest days of my life. We don't need anything special to do, or anything special to buy. Most days we just walk out the door and find a sidewalk to sit on, or a patch of grass to lie in, and there we find happiness, because we are together.
And when Micah gets home, we have the most fun lying on the carpet watching our kids play. I love these days.