Disneyland blankets--Here we come!

To inspire more people to give hours of volunteer service to non-profit charities, Disneyland is promising free one-day tickets to those who apply! We signed up immediately! We've been dying to take the kids to "the happiest place on Earth". I can't wait to see their eyes bulge out when we take them on all the kiddie rides!Those are my favorite!
Click here to find out volunteer hours in your area!

We opted to do our volunteer service in the form of sewing blankets. For every blanket I sew, we get a Disneyland ticket for someone in our family, 6 and older. That will cover me and Micah. Little toddley gets in free under 2, then we just have to pay 60 bucks to get Zadok in. Our Disneyland dream is coming true!

I have never made a blanket before, but they were so easy to figure out, I almost felt sheepish for trading them for 100 dollar tickets. I basically made it up along the way, then the Polynesian fabric came generously from my friend Carly, and the sewing part was basically...sewing lines.

Here's instructions for my Easy-free-Disney-blankies:

Cut out 2 pieces of cotton fabric 35x 40 inches.
Cut out a piece of fleece 35x 40 inches. (I used fleece from an old blanket we had)
Place fleece on the floor.
Place piece of fabric right side up on top of fleece.
Place next piece of fabric on top, right side down.
Pin all three pieces together.
Sew around all three edges, leaving about a foot open on one side to flip fabric right side in..
Pull all the fabric thru the hole, until it's flipped all the way to the other side.
Press and flatten with iron.
Sew the one-foot hole, closed.
Top-stitch entire edges of blanket, to look neat.
Use a yarning needle to pull bits of yarn thru.
Tie off yarn and your done!

They were so cute and cozy, I almost kept them....almost.
Here's the last trip to Disneyland-Just me and my Mom,6 years ago, and no kids!