I hated living in LA when we were first married, yet I cried when we left and said a somber goodbye to all the things I'd miss. I didn't feel at home in Idaho, either, yet leaving was hard because of all the wonderful people I loved. Now here we are, faced with the idea of having to move again--and my heart is literally ripped in two!
So, it basically comes down to two things which will determine where we move: Jobs and money. It's a hard reality, I know. Welcome to adulthood, I tell myself!
We wanted to move to Hawaii, but we would literally go in deep financial debt just flying over there! I realized that there are so many people out there who can't even find work right now, or are losing their businesses, so why should we put ourselves in such a tight spot just to move? Stupid. Had to rethink our plan! (PLUS, IT JUST WASN'T FEELING RIGHT...YA KNOW?)
We've thought about applying in Oregon, where there's plenty of schools, and also such a beautiful place to live (and an ocean!)! The thought of being closer to my two siblings was exciting! I always dreamed of getting to watch my nieces and nephews grow up.....or at least see them more than once a year.
Micah has always loved Oregon. In fact, we spent our honeymoon bumming around Portland.
I know this post is kind of boring you...but here's my point:
I just want some miracle to happen so we can stay here! We went out to our land last week, and I fell in love with it all over again. I want Micah to get a teaching job here, and for us to start building our home. I don't need Hawaii, or Oregon, or warmer weather, or the ocean, or even a culture that isn't quite as weird as this one. I just want our little family to enjoy life in this gorgeous place, where we can home school our kids in a happy community, raise our garden and farm animals, live our green life, run our community breastfeeding group, explore the great outdoors, serve others around us, watch my kids get dirty outside, and feel free-spirited, and find beauty in all the simple joys of life.
Is that too much to ask for?
Odin getting ready to work!
A fire pit and the view of the mountains from our land.
A shelter Micah built for shade. Roof is made from Cat-tails.
Two very happy, dirty boys, who spent all morning running around in the mud and sage!
p.s. We won't know what jobs are available anywhere, for several more months. So, here we sit, waiting, wishing, wondering.....