We did these for our 8-11 year old Primary Girls, however, I think they are fun for just about any age group!
First you need the following materials:
sugar cubes
Elmers school glue
hot glue gun and glue
gold paint, paint brush
Little Moronis (instructions below)
Artificial flowers
Anything pretty to decorate them.
It takes 53 little cubes to make this particular Temple. We live near the St. George, UT temple, so we compared ours to that one, however I think these could probably represent any sparkly, white temple. (The St. George doesn't have a Moroni on it anyways, by the way!)
Arrange and glue the cubes in rows of 5 long, 3 across. Then two rows on the top of 2 long, 3 across. On the very top are the last two sugar cubes, and your little Angel Moroni on the very top.
Angel Moroni needs to be hot glued on. The cubes can be elmers glued. (If you use hot glue on the cubes they turn into mush)
Instructions for Angel Moroni:
I went to the craft store and found little, wooden pieces to be the body and head. The bodies are letter i's. The heads are some wooden beads. I suppose you could use beads, too, if you wanted; An oblong bead for the body, and a round one for the head.
Then roll up some paper and glue it shut, for the trumpets.
Glue them all together with the hot glue gun, and paint gold.
Lastly, decorate your temple grounds with glitter, flowers, rocks, or whatever else you find!
When making our temples, with my 2 year old and 4 year old, I found I had to be very flexible and throw my perfectionism out the window. I loved each of their interpretations of what we were creating! Whatever you do, have fun!
This below, is 2 year old's "Choo-choo train Temple"
This below, is 4 year old's "Two towers church-temple." (they are very different children!)