We made Gingerbread people the other day. The boys wanted us to make "The grandparents and all the cousins." We sat at the table and told the classic gingerbread man story, which my kids love. But every once in a while I would hear someone say,"I'm eating Grandpa Tims leg off! Mmmmmm, Chancellors arm is yummy! I am going to eat Waimea's foot off and Grandma Barbara's head..etc"
Another easy and fun Christmas project for kids: Anything made out of popscicle sticks, round fuzzies and googley eyeballs:
I wanted to share a picture of Odin wearing his new Orange cloak I sewed for him for Christmas. Yah--he got it early. We were just too excited about it! He had wanted a Star Wars cloak just like his big brother, though he picked out the colors and fabric himself. He's so original and cute, I says.
May the holiday force be with you....