Our Christmas Tree-slightly crooked, but lovely as can be! Traditionally we have trekked into the woods to cut down our own tree, but this year my Dad picked one up for us at Smiths while he was here. It was a good thing, especially since all the permits ran out early so we might've been stuck getting a holiday cactus from BLM land.
I feel so blessed this week. I feel the Spirit of love has been in full force, as we've been recipients of so many thoughtful gifts. It seems that each day a little card or gift has come in the mail, reminding us that we are loved. It's been especially nice for me, because I still feel like I'm in this strange transition; still cautiously dipping my toes into the great Salt Lake area, unsure if I'm ever going to dive in and feel comfortable or if we're going move away again? So even though I feel a bit isolated at times, there is love finding it's way from all over, right to our doorstep.
The other night our doorbell rang and when we opened it, we heard the scurry of feet running away into the dark. We then looked down to find a big, basket of secret Santa gifts and goodies. I should have thought to take a picture, but we were so excited, we pulled everything out immediately! The love and thoughtfulness that went into this basket of goodies was overwhelming. Little tears came to my eyes as I thought of the hands that put together this collection of presents for our family; toys for the kids, pumpkin ice-cream and sparkling soda, popcorn and candy for all the enjoy. We still haven't opened all the gifts, except I admit I opened one yesterday (don't tell Zadok he'll get mad I opened something before Christmas!), and it was a book. This book, in fact:
And I loved it. It is a beautiful book that spoke inspiration to me immediately. It is a book about hope, love, sacrifice,confidence, learning from mistakes, and the power to be yourself in a topsy turvy world. It reminded me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, only more sweet and whimsical! It reminded me today to lift up my spirits and live up the rest of the day ahead. What a wonderful, little book that I will cherish forever!
With respect to all Secret Santa's out there, we won't try to guess who you are. We will be happy and grateful that we have friends in SLC who know us and love us, whoever you may be.......
I am also so grateful for this baby. Have I mentioned that his smile fills my heart with immediate happy? I love him so much!
With my brother and his wife's permission they said I could share some pictures of baby Elliott, their brand new baby boy. Him and Jonah are exactly 2 months apart. He looks like the sweetest, most handsome little guy, and I can't wait to meet him someday. For now, I will do what I can, and drool over his photos.
The night I heard they had gone into labor to have him, I felt like a nervous grandparent, waiting patiently yet anxiously for the news that he had arrived. After so many hours I couldn't stand it any longer and called my Mom to see what was happening! Turns out that after 36 hours of natural labor and a popped BOW, his 10.2 lb body still refused to come down the birth canal and they were headed for the surgery room. I remember immediately getting down on my knees and tearfully thanking God for the medical technology we have to bring this baby boy safely into the world. It was an experience that changed me a bit. I've had friends and associates that have been through these things before, but it was never one of my own. This was family, and when it's family, your feelings of empathy magnify completely. I am so glad that Elliott is here, and that he has the strongest, most amazing parents, who sacrificed so much physically and mentally to bring him here. I love you guys!
And merry first Christmas little Elliott!
Lastly, Micah got a job teaching sciences at a middle school, so this is his last week at the therapeutic boarding school. He is really excited. After so many years with that youth population, I think he's ready for a fresh start! So, with some extra days off, we decided to head to California for Christmas, to spend some family time with the Jacksons. Family is important to us, and we are so happy when we get to see our loved ones.
I am also really excited about all the little gifts I have made this year. I have been busily sewing like a mad-woman. I've been wanting to post pictures so badly of the projects I've been working on, but that would give it away. Maybe after Christmas.
p.s. I love my sewing machine, which was a thoughtful gift from Micah, many Christmases ago.....
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope each of you finds the Spirit of love that Christmas brings into your lives!
Cuddling bundles.