My Funky town

I like funky, little towns. You know the kind that are full of progression, innovation, and creativity. I like little, funky towns where people collaborate, and support one another in environmental, political, and social change. People in these towns tend to be politically strongly left-leaning and may be additionally but not exclusively categorized as eco-tarians, conservationists, environmentalists, neo-hippies, tree huggers, nature enthusiasts, etc.

I find myself drawn to these types of places, especially when there's a movement for positive change, (in a community that may be on the verge of suffering from cowboy-ism or Walmart-ism,) there are people there who see the potential for a different and better way of being.

There is a huge draw for us to move to Oregon and be a part of this movement, because there are more like-minded folks to collaborate with. While visiting Eugene I was impressed to see a community (not the entire community, but their is definitely a majority here) of folks dedicated to self sustainable living, recycling and re-using, businesses with ethical, eco-friendly practices, programs for kids that raise awareness about political and environmental issues, a whole "green" phone book for folks who want safer choices, and farmers markets galore. A big one for me also, is seeing parents who don't look at you funny when you talk about parenting practices such as:
extended breastfeeding (beyond a year)
cloth diapers
drug-free births
baby wearing
selective vaccination
co-sleeping or family beds
full-time parenting
Eating whole foods

Things of which I feel strongly and passionately about.

Coming back to my little, Utah town, was a culture change, of course. However, I wasn't discouraged. I came back very enthusiastic to give as much to my community as possible, in hopes of future change. I came back wanting to support the little movements happening here, and encourage others to be more aware, and more conscious of
progression in our little world.

On a side note, I don't think you need to be categorized as anything to make our world a better place. Don't let that awful term "crunchy" deter you from making happy choices for your family. :) Be a part of the little movements in your town, and hopefully we will all see a gentle, more peaceful world ahead. Oh, and funky! (I just like that word.)

With my sister, at a local farmers market, Eugene, OR