Human Touch

Zadok holding his baby close.

A hug can change an entire day. At least for me. When my little Zadok comes running up to me with a hug, I am the happiest mom alive. When Micah gets home from 4 days at Redcliff all I want from him right away, is a big husband hug. I think as humans we need to feel the warmth of human touch. It gives a sense of love, security, and belonging, that can't be experienced through any other means.
After carrying a baby in your womb for 9 months and experiencing that closeness of human touch,(you can't get much closer than a baby inside you, right?) Well, I can't imagine not wanting to continue that closeness once they get out. Feeling the warmth of a brand new baby on your face or chest, or lying next to you in bed, is one of the sweetest memories I possess. The baby smell, the small inhales and exhales of breath, the tiny is a closeness that parents cherish. As a brand new little person coming into this world for the first time, I can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else but in the safety and security of my mother or father's arms. It's a loving, mutual exchange that both need to feel. The warmth of human touch.

Everywhere I go I see devices designed to separate babies from parents. Devices invented out of convenience and for a profit, not to bring about closeness and
interaction. One such device is the plastic car seat. Although a handy invention to keep babies safe while driving,or if your baby is sleeping and not to be disturbed, or if it's blizzarding outside and you have to protect their face from the rock hard hail and snow falling down. However, these contraptions have unfortunately become overused and abused.
For many people, carrying a baby in their arms just isn't an option anymore. I've seen babies fed, rocked, lugged around, and left alone, all in the confinement of their car seat. I've seen babies' alert and active, sitting in their car seat for the duration of a church meeting. I've seen babies left at the bottom of a shopping cart with stacks of groceries piled up around them.I've also seen parents limping along with difficulty as they carry this cumbersome load, sometimes for long durations. And all the while babies' little head is bouncing around as he stares blankly at the ceiling above.
At a recent parenting conference Dr. Robert Sears (renown pediatrician) said, "People are raising car seats these days, not babies." The whole room erupted with applause. I was grateful to look around and see other concerned parents like me. He also said the first thing he does when a baby is brought to his office is get it out of that car seat! Simply because it may be the only human interaction baby gets all day.

Babies need to be held, loved, cuddled, just like you and I. They need to see the world around them, which helps them learn and grow intellectually. They need to have human touch and interaction, which helps them grow emotionally.

We live in a busy world, lets not forget our sweet babies in the car seat.

A wonderful article to read about this subject:

In The Eyes Of A Child

In The Eyes Of A Child, originally uploaded by ♥babybee.

January 09, 2007. In the eyes of a child, there is joy, there is laughter.
And at times, there's crankiness. :-)

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.

-Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Weeping Child

Weeping Child, originally uploaded by Soul101.

"When a child can be brought to tears, and not from fear of punishment, but from repentance he needs no chastisement. When the tears begin to flow from the grief of their conduct you can be sure there is an angel nestling in their heart."

-Horace Mann

Child Hiding

Child Hiding, originally uploaded by Pink Sherbet Photography.

..think about it that title for a moment. Now ask 'Why do they have to?"

Child's Play?

Demobilize child soldiers in the Central African Republic: Child in a rebel camp in the north-eastern Central African Republic

CARF's 2008 Flickr 'Reach For A Star' Campaign

- Do Good!

Cyber Giving Week is the last week of the year - a week during which most people make their tax deductable online charity donations.

Consider this your reminder to donate, BEFORE December 31, 2008, to causes you care passionately about!

Causes like CARF's 2008 Flickr 'Reach For A Star' Campaign...

CARF on Flickriver

Won't You consider making a $10.00 donation to this incredibly worthy cause?

Reaching for a star campaign 2008

Children of the Hummingbird Project in São Paulo, Brazil.
Gregory J. Smith
Children At Risk Foundation - CARF

- CARF says:

Never to die in vain...

It was two months ago today that we buried Claudiney, only five months after his younger brother Roney was brutally murdered. Much has happened since then . . . . . .

Our new community prevention centre opened on July 6th. against incredible odds, just one week after Claudiney’s death. We dedicated the new centre to their memory, a tribute not only to these two beloved street kids who didn’t make it, but also to all the other street kids in Brazil who have suffered before them.........

During the opening ceremony and in the presence of community leaders, the municipal government’s Mayor and other leading politicians, family members and CARF’s trustees and patrons, I presented Roney and Claudiney’s tragic story to the multitude present for the occasion, most of whom were humble members of the extremely poor community that will benefit form this important initiative, which we have created to prevent other kids from reaching such a tragic destiny.

Photo Copyright © Tatiana Cardeal. All rights reserved.
See original size.

With the two boys heavily in my thoughts today, I spent time browsing through all my portraits of Roney and Claudiney, reading through my captions and comments. There have been many, far too many to list here, but I have chosen some that I would like to share with their beloved memory:

“Roney's past life experiences will definitely determine his future, but I'm not sure he'll survive to have one.............”

“I have always kept contact with these kids, during the good times and the bad times, that's part of my compromise with them. That's what makes Roney's death so sad as I didn't manage to stop that from happening and I won't be able to stop whatever could happen to Claudiney if he doesn't wake up to reality soon...............”

“Claudiney is enjoying being in control of his life, even if I would have preferred him participating for full in the program, which would only help him in the right direction. Patience is always a keyword in my work as it takes many years to recuperate any kid from the streets.............”

“For each positive step taken in the right direction in Claudiney's life, there are at least five negative ones being taken against him. We can only protect our kids during the hours we are together, but it is an impossible task for us to live their lives for them 24 hours a day............”

“It hurts me a lot to see how confused Claudiney is at the moment, but I cannot impose upon him the solution. He must experience the pathways to a new life that we feel we can offer him and at the same time be allowed to fail along the way..........”

“Each choice he makes, either positive or negative, will have consequences on his life, but he is the one who needs to experience the difference. What worries me most is that there are others out there who would love to see Claudiney back on the streets; those very same people responsible for his brother's cold-blooded murder............”

“Claudiney needs an army of angels to protect him against all the evil odds in our society..............”

“I must admit, it was with great pride that I peeped into his classroom last night and observed him engaged in his books. I know how delicate his situation is at this moment and how his own life is balancing on a very fine thread.............”

“His first thoughtful sigh to me after school, on our way back home to his grandma's was: "Roney should have been here with me"..........”

“It will be nothing less than a miracle if Claudiney manages to stay in school because the family network around him is an extremely fragile one and he will need a lot of support if he is to manage this demanding situation. We will of course be there to strengthen that network through his participation at Hummingbird, but as I always emphasize with such kids, we cannot live their lives for them..........”

“I am happy for each day that I can follow Claudiney to- and from school and the fact that he hasn’t missed a single lesson since we started out on this tough journey to recovery; he has 8 years to catch up on and no time to waste.
I am happy listening to his teachers telling me how interested he is in learning........
I am happy to see the changes in his social attitude towards those who surround him.........
I am happy sharing his desires for the future, something we never managed before; living today – gone tomorrow!
I am happy observing his positive social integration with all the other kids at Hummingbird........
I am happy that everyone who knows him is also happy about his positive development.......
....and I am very happy that he is still alive.................”

“If Claudiney manages to follow our program through the next 30-40 days I believe it may work for him, but I'm really hoping for a miracle because I know what we are up against...............”

“Claudiney is really a soft-hearted kid and if he had his own way he would stay put at Hummingbird. That's his real desire. He seems comfortable in the security of an organised home, where rythme and rules have a positive effect on him. I suppose, as with most kids, a feeling of security is really the most important thing in their lives...........”

“Roney is the more energetic of the two. He loves disturbing any peaceful moment if it's not to his liking. If there is not enough action going on, Roney will soon make sure there will be.........”

“Motivating brothers or sisters with such contrasting personalities and who still live on the streets together is no easy task. Their survival on the streets makes them totally dependent on each other and in their case life is like a continuing battle between the good and the bad, represented strongly in both their personalities.........”

“Roney and Claudiney are far too sceptical to believe that their luck is in, and if they confide, they know the going will get very tough (in a different way than on the streets) and they are very insecure when it comes to weighing up the odds...........”

“Street kids get into all kinds of trouble, serious trouble; trouble with the wrong kind of people. Drugs and thieving are the more provocative problems involving others.
In Brazil, lives are not worth a shit, no matter what age!
Claudiney and his brother Roney get on these people's nerves and these people are killers by custom. That is the way they resolve their little problems. It is real and frightening because it could happen at any moment. Nobody is safe from these kinds of thugs...........”

“My dad is not very happy with me now (because of the situation I got him in), but then again, he never has been! I can understand why though. Have you ever had a gun stuck in your ear or up your nose before? I have, many times! You never know if the guy will pull the trigger............” - Roney.

“The thugs raided my dad’s house in the middle of the night and stuck a big gun in his ear, then asked him where I was. He cried and told them he didn’t know (which was pretty true!)
They beat him up instead of shooting him, but next time........?” - Roney.

“Impunity is the worse medicine for recuperating anyone but punishment alone is useless and that is why my job will be important following them through this new situation if they are sentenced on November 13th., when their case comes up for hearing in the criminal courts.
In their particular case I see this as an opportunity to finalize the work I started three years ago, otherwise I don't give them more than two more years to live................”
(Note: Unfortunately, the courts did not follow our advice).

“You don't realize how hard it is to relax knowing these kids are on the streets and not knowing what's happening next in their lives. Anything can happen - at any time . . . . . . . . .”

- Gregory

Remembering the dead...

Need money to Travel

"The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less."

Here's another "Peaceful Warrior" Reminder:
Traveling is something I truly love. However, we just haven't had any extra money the past few years with Micah getting through college and us starting a family. Life before kids, I visited such places as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Tahiti, Mexico, and various states around the U.S. I have such sweet memories of diving into new cultures, trying new foods, and meeting amazing people on my little adventures. I miss it and I miss the fresh perspective that comes with it when you get home.

Micah has been to Europe, Australia, and the Phillippines. (well, he served a mission in the ladder) But alas we have let our passports expire with no plans to travel in the near future. I haven't even been back to Hawaii in 2 1/2 years!
But wait! We just so happen to live in one of the most beautiful, versatile desserts on the planet. Within 100 miles we have national parks with cascading waterfalls, rushing rivers, massive mountains, and breathtaking views. People come from all over the world to visit here! I am grateful for the opportunity we've had to explore these beautiful places and make them our home.
Around every corner a new adventure awaits with our kids and our meager income.

Cheese balls

I've become a cheese ball lover. This is the fourth one I've made this month. I mix the ingredients, roll it in nuts, make it pretty on a plate, then eat it. I'm sure I exceed my caloric intake for the entire day.Sometimes I even share.

Merry Christmas

Just wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. I will be sleeping comfortably tonight on my new memory-foam mattress, thank you Micah. :)
Hope everyone has fun, and your house is as crazy-Christmas-messy as mine is!

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker with our new lightsabers.

The Spirit of Christ (mas)

Leaving a friend's house yesterday we had been talking about crazy Utah Mormon culture. Yes, it is a bit backwards and weird, and if your not LDS, it can be overwhelming. As a Mormon, not from Utah, I feel I am lucky. I have been able to clearly distinguish my true, religious and spiritual beliefs from what appears to be a mainstream culture here in Utah. It is nice to have that distinction, and I believe it helps me retain my individuality, and helps me grasp what is truly sacred and special to me about being LDS.
Feeling a little saddened by the conversation, I kept thinking, "Is it really all that bad here? Are people really all that crazy? Are Utah Mormons really a threat to society and individuality?"
I stopped at the local grocery market to buy our Christmas dinner. It was packed. Hordes of people doing their holiday food shopping, and last minute details. As I was rounding the corner by the produce I noticed a large group of people running around the store. There was a lot of commotion and I saw men and women with long lists, arms filled with cool whip, applesauce, and green beans! They were yelling at each other to grab "5 more boxes of oranges! Six more bags of potatoes! We need another ham!"
At first I was annoyed at their loudness, then I heard someone ask, "What's all this for?" And one of the men with the lists answered back, "We're feeding 20 needy families tonight. We're dropping boxes full of food at houses and at the shelter." And last he added, "It's a Ward effort."
Almost instantly my eyes filled with tears. I quickly turned a corner so no one could see. I cried my little heart out. I felt the Spirit of Christ so powerfully, and all I could do was stand there and think that living in a town full of Christians isn't such a bad thing. I was grateful for this experience. It touched me deeply and made me want to be a little less judgemental, a little less confused, a little more like Christ.

I Just wanted to wish a Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends and family. I hope each person gets to experience the Spirit of Christmas and what it means to them.

Stokes' Christmas Card Game

The Stokes' kids-ready for another round of the Christmas Card Game.

Save your Christmas Cards every year and you will have a fun family tradition. I have fond memories of playing the "Christmas Card Game" at Grandma Lois's house, and hope to play every year with my family now. Dad just reminded me of all the rules, so here they are if you forgot, or if you want to start playing!

Players: 1-10 (or more if you want a really long game)
Materials: leftover Christmas Cards from friends and family, all shapes and sizes.
Objective: be the first person to get rid of all your cards.
Each person gets 10 cards.
Decide who goes first.
The first person lays a card down in the middle and names an object. (ex: Christmas tree, snowy pond, a frog, baby Jesus, red ornament, the word "Noel").

Then person to the left looks through their cards to see if they have it.If the person to the left has it, then that player puts down his or her card in the middle, and names an object on it.

If the person to the left doesn't have it, then the play continues around, until it reaches the original namer. However, If someone has the object, then they pick a new object, and get to release one of their cards, and pick something new on that card.

If it comes back to the original namer and he doesn't have the object, then he names something new on the card. And round and round it goes.

First person to get rid of all their cards, Wins.
You can keep playing until everyone is out (except the last person, the LOSER.)

Christmas Cards tips from Bill Stokes:

Smart players will name something on the card that they notice was on one of their other cards. Also, naming really unique things that the others might not have is an advantage. E.g., if you notice that two of your cards have elves with green slippers, you would say "an elf with green slippers" instead of "an elf."

A 10 card game is a long game. You can shorten a game by dealing out less cards. Also, it's polite not to pour over your cards to see whats on them when it is your turn to name an object. You should do that when it's someone Else's turn.

A real good player will have looked at their cards and see where they can win the game by placing one card after another. They have their cards lined up in their hand where an object on one card will lead to an object on the next card which will lead to an object on the next card, etc.

Proj-ing out

We'd call it Proj-ing out, back in high school when you'd just spend the evening in your room working on some project, zoning out. "So whatdja do last night?" "Oh, I was just proj-ing out in my room, listening to music and stuff."
I guess I have been proj-ing out more than normal lately and it's been really fun. That's one thing I do love about the snow. You have to be inside most of the time--proj-ing out. :)

So here's whats been keeping me up late at night:
1. Wrap around skirts. Three yards of fabric and an easy-to-follow pattern. Love em!
2. Ornaments with Zadok, out of popsicle stix, toll paint, glitter, and stars.
3. Forty home-made bean bags for kids spending the holidays at the hospital.
4. Sewing hula wraps for the "activity days" girls to wear at our Hukilau performance.
5. Perfecting my wholesome-homemade bread recipe. (adding a little soy flour is Mmmmmm)
6. Sewing a stocking for Odin
7. Mei-tai's for Leilani, Hilary, and Andrea

Peaceful Warrior

Odin being a peaceful warrior in his 18 gallon bucket bath.

"The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" is a book I can read again and again and feel inspired every time. I read it for the first time 13 years ago and it still speaks to me these truths that I always need to hear. One of my favorite quotes from said book is,
"The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less."

So each week I think I will post a reminder to myself of how I have been able to develop that capacity in my life. The concept of "less" has helped me immensely to keep things simple and flexible; To not worry about money, to enjoy the small pleasures, to be at home with my kids, to embrace the present.

Peaceful warrior reminder #1
: We may not have a bathtub in our apartment, but our rent is cheap and we have a very wonderful, large garden in the backyard to grow our own vegetables.


I am not a Gym kind of girl. In fact I belonged to the Gym once and I still have uncomfortable flashbacks of sweaty old men pumping iron, whilst glancing in the mirror at their growing bi-ceps. Or un-naturally orange women who are there 3 times a day obsessing over their tans and figures. Not fun for me.
I know the Gym isn't all bad. There's those high-energy aerobics classes, the pools and the saunas. But given a choice I would much rather be outside running up a hill with the fresh wind in my hair, or swimming in a lake. In fact running up the big hill in Cedar City is exactly what I've been doing every day, pushing my boys in the double jogger. It has been awesome. Until it snowed.

So whats a girl to do? How do I get those elated feelings, those natural highs, those endorphins I need, in this snowy city? How do I get through this Winter without getting the blues?

So I called the Gym. I made an appointment and went to check it out. The equipment and aerobics classes greeted me like an old friend. Afterall, I used to work out in Gyms in my single days, and I knew just what to do. I got excited thinking about jumping up and down to music again.
But this time I wasn't walking in alone. I had my precious kids in tow. The big, muscly, manager said hello, and immediately asked if I had any questions. "Yes I have questions", I answered eagerly.
"Is your day-care state certified? Are your staff trained in infant and child CPR? Do you clean and sanitize the toys regularly? Do you allow people to carelessly drop off their sick kids? Do you let the kids cry or do you go get their parents? How many staff are in here at all times with the kids? How do you handle behavioural problems? Does the day-care staff interact with the kids or just watch them? Have you ever had any serious incidents I should be concerned about in this day-care?"

Big, muscly manager answered all my questions just as eagerly, assuring me that my kids will love Gym day-care. "It will improve their socialization," he says. Yah right. I still felt really uneasy about leaving my kids in there. Call it my mommy heart, call it my gut instinct. We played in the day-care for a few minutes, then left. I drove home thinking that I would just like to get some endorphins, not be a mom who questions everything. But I am a mom who questions everything.
So I guess I'll go home and do an aerobics video, content with boys playing in the other room. Until the snow melts, of course.

Mental handicap = a gateway to paradise

Bipolarity is a way of life. A life that we choose and direct. Medication gives us sanctity that we will get better and consoles our wounded soul. Some of us take our medication until we die but the sole problem is that we believe we have a problem. Yes indeed Houston we have a problem.

What is the problem? Honestly what is the problem? The problem is for me that Iam not one with nature. The first caveman didnt fight dinosaurs with a bag of lithium in his hand, he had a spear! He used his brain on how he could out wit the dinosaur and capture it for a feast.

Studies do not prove that medication even works properly but one thing it does for certain is that it hooks you. Once you take that medication and continue it you need a long period of detoxification to completely free yourself. I welcome all medication companies, enthusiasts and loyalists to post their crap about medication for the whole world to see because it makes me proud to know that I can batter you all!

Physically all drugs are effective. Mentally they are all placebos. We are bipolar and that makes us intelligent enough to overcome all the emotions that exist in the universe.

Happy Birthday Of Dog

Happy birthday of dog, originally uploaded by AKIHIRO FURUTA.

Popcorn Popping

Popcorn is probably one of my favorite hidden treasures. What I mean is that I like it, but I don't always crave it, or pine for it. Yet, when I have it, it's always enjoyable and I can eat a whole lot of it. Especially all buttery, or the best is with seaweed and rice crackers like we have back in Hawaii. MMMMmmmmmm.
So I discovered one day that popcorn is best enjoyed eaten with chopsticks. I think you should try it. Here's the reasons why:
1. Your hands don't get greasy
2. You eat slower so your popcorn lasts longer
3. If sharing, you don't transfer germs to all your friends
4. It's fun to eat popcorn with chopsticks
5. You could start a trend in your neighborhood

First Love

First Love, originally uploaded by Lutz-R. Frank.

Message Of Love

love message, originally uploaded by Nescafe_kw.

Coffee Cup with Love

Coffee cup with love, originally uploaded by Nescafe_kw.

Don't Say You Love Me

don't say you love me., originally uploaded by michelles..

The Only Thing

"The only thing in the world I want more than you is for you to love me as I love you

" The worst way to love someone is to sit next to them, knowing they don't love you back.""

Lots of Love

Lots of Love, originally uploaded by Pink Sherbet Photography.

Young Love

i love u ~

i love u ~, originally uploaded by β l u r r y ©.

"I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.
[Crystal Jansen]"

Still in love? I think so ; )

Still in love? I think so ; ), originally uploaded by Henný G.

ღAny words you describe love?ღ

"How did i fall in love with you ? ,, "

"what did i say ? ,, what did you do ? ,, how did i fall in love with you ? ,,

p.s : blue FJs rock ! xP
and the words are the lyrics of a back street boys song ,,"


Love XOXO, originally uploaded by Pink Sherbet Photography.

20/365- All You Need Is LOVE

20/365- All You Need Is LOVE, originally uploaded by Four Symbols.

" can be found in the most unexpected places.."


LOVE, originally uploaded by Little Nora.

"To love is nothing.
To be loved is something.
To love, and be loved, is everything."