Marching Fourth

I met this newlywed couple when I was going to college in Provo several years back.
They told me that they chose to get married on March Fourth so they could always remember they were "marching forth" to a new life together. Get it? March forth? Yah-cheesy. Those were my thoughts exactly.
However, I haven't forgotten it, and every year when March rolls around I chuckle to myself that I am "Marching Forth" on March the fourth.

This past week the deed to our land came in the mail. I opened it with excitement. I couldn't wait to see our names printed as the new owners of our very own LAND! I looked down anxiously to discover that it was officially notorized and signed over to us on........March the Fourth. Marching forth. Yes, we are marching forth.

I chuckled to myself.

Suddenly I looked down at that white paper in my hands and could feel our land between my fingers; gripping the Earth and not wanting to let go. I could see the sage bushes, the juniper trees, the dust and dirt, untouched and barren. I could smell the desert air and feel the dryness of the land in my lungs. I saw eagles flying, nesting in trees, and Jack rabbits hopping endlessly. I saw the sunrise from a home on a hill overlooking blue and red mountains. I saw our children learning and growing in peace and love. I saw two parents sitting on the porch laughing and growing old together. I saw a family who had worked long and hard hours, digging and building, and sacrificing, to build a dream. I saw an old Mama sitting under a tree relaxing and breathing it all in, watching grandchildren play on my old land.

Yes, I am marching forth!