baby Jonah arrived!

Jonah was born July 25th, at 2:15 am. He weighs 9 lbs, 14 oz, 20 1/2 inches long.

I am waiting for the moment to be able to type up his entire birth story, which is what I have done for both our kids. (They have them tucked nicely in their baby books for someday when they want to read about how they entered this world.)

This labor was so quick, and amazingly uneventful. ( 4 1/2 hours from start to finish!)
Of course it was a life-changing and wonderful experience, and we are, once again, very happy to birth our babies in the comfort of our home.
But gosh, maybe birth is just getting more normal around here, because it all went by really fast and the best part is, we now have this darling baby boy to focus all our energy on.

We love him so much. The moment we swooped him up from the pool, and saw that he was a boy, my heart literally leapt with happiness. I loved him instantly, and knew that he was sent here to teach me so many things. I knew instantly that he needed to be part of our family. I knew instantly that my father in Heaven sent him to us to bless our lives in so many ways. I knew instantly that I would have that daughter one day, just not at this time. And I felt pure love, stronger than I can describe.

I am so grateful for our baby Jonah. I am spending these days snuggling him, and smelling him, and holding him close to me. Our little naps are so precious. Micah is working so hard, holding down everything else, so I can recover, and rest with our new baby. He really is an amazing Dad, and husband. And the boys can't stop loving on lil' Jonah, giving him all the kisses and hugs a baby brother ever needs. We are very happy.

So, I'm sure I will post more details about our awesome birth experience, but for now, I have a little baby that I want to cuddle.