100 years-Happy Birthday Grandma!

She made it! My Grandma Lois turns 100 years old today! Everyone who could make it, is over at the Stokes in Oregon today, celebrating the big day! They even made her 100 candles to put on her birthday cake.

I wish I was there! I really, truly love that Grandma of mine! My Grandma Lois was always an abundance of creativity and fun. Whenever we came over to her house, she had boxes and shelves of toys, games, costumes, and tricks! She had a special toy room where the magic of childhood came alive. I remember most fondly, Grandma letting us play with her doll house. She had each little room decorated, and each little person dressed in little clothes. We would play for hours, listening to old records, and letting our imaginations run wild.

One of my favorite things about Grandma is that she is an individual. She never seemed to try to impress anyone. She never cared about having nice, fancy things in her home for people to see. She never cared about looking or acting a certain way. Her focus was always on having fun, and enjoying those unique and unconventional moments that life has to offer. I often wish she was 25 years younger right now, so I could be around her, to pick her brain a little bit longer. But, her memory, eyesight, and energy is fading. She is still happy and full of life, but you know---she's 100, and things start to slow down.

When I went to college in Provo, UT, I was lucky enough to get to live by Grandma for several years. I will always treasure the time I got to spend with her while I was there. We spent many hours talking and getting to know one another. We went to many all-you-can-eat buffets and Senior Center dinners, too! She always had funny jokes and stories to tell me, and I will never forget all the quirky memories we shared. But most importantly, she never let me forget who I am....meaning, I never left her house without her reminding me in some way that I am first and foremost a daughter of God. Her testimony of our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ were always the most important thing to her in life. I couldn't help but feel a lot more spiritually stronger and confident, after hanging out with my Grandma. Her amazing influence in my life will not be forgotten.

(last time I saw Grandma, June 2009)
My Grandma has a heart of gold, always giving to others, and not asking much for herself. She has lived a wonderful life, and continues to bless those around her. I wish I could be there today to give her 100 hugs and 100 thank yous, for being my grandma.
Here's just a few photos from Grandmas long life.

1913-Grandma Lois, her bunny, and her brother.

1920-Grandma and her siblings, driving in the family car-a model T Ford.

1926-Grandma just graduated from 9th grade

1936--Grandma raised 5 boys! Here she is, being the wonderful Mom that she is!


1996--Always having fun!Halloween at the Provo Senior Center

2007-shortly after Grandma moved to Oregon to live with the Larry Stokes family

Someday I would like to record all the great stories I have to share about Grandma. There are these moments in my life where I feel her traits, and genetics within me, and I think,"Wow-I am having a Grandma Lois moment right now." It's kind of cool how her influence can live on with her grandchildren. I, for one, am proud of that. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO my Grandma Lois!