Happy Happy Earthy birdy Spring!

It has been warm here! I am so incredibly giddy! I put the kidlets in the jogger today and walked all my errands. Normally it would take me a whole week of dragging my cold bundles of kids in and out of the car, just to hit up the bank, the post office, the grocery store, the bead store, the bread store, the thrift store, and the WIC. But, I did all of that, today! Can you tell how excited I am that it's warm?

I even wore a skirt! (without pants under it) I even put on sunscreen! I even laid in the grass and looked up at clouds! I even smiled all day.....just because!

And then whilst collecting pine-cones under the big trees behind our house, I found this nest lying in the dirt:

What a beautiful masterpiece of artwork. You go Mama Bird! She even put mud around the edges to keep everything together.. It made me feel like I was a part of her world for a second. I wanted to be a Mama bird collecting pine needles and twigs for my house.

Instead we went home and read the gingerbread man story, made gingerbread people, and ate them. Almost as cool, right?

Springfully yours,
