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Mila Kunis Says Natalie Portman Danced Her Her A** Off

The actress Mila Kunis has jumped to the aid of the Natalie Portman body double controversy. Last week Natalie Portman's body double Sarah Lane denied that Portman did most of the work. Portman's fiance who also choreographed the film and the film's producer all jumped to defend Natalie. Now her co-star Mila Kunis shares her two cents.

Kunis told Entertainment Weekly, Natalie danced her a** off. "I think it's unfortunate that this is coming out and taking attention away from the praise, Natalie deserved and got. It was more like a safety net. If Nat wasn't able to do something, you'd have a safety net.

The same thing that I had, I had a double as a safety net. We all did. No one ever denied it.

The 'Black Swan' director Darren Aronofsky also shared his views.

The reality, Aronofsky said in a statement released Monday through studio Fox Searchlight. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film, 111 are Natalie Portman untouched, 28 are her dance-double Sarah Lane. If you do the math, that's 80 percent Natalie Portman.

So the co-star Mila Kunis in Portman's corner, things are not looking good for Sarah Lane's body double career.