30 days of Happiness-- Mothering Magazine

Today I snuggled in with a cup of Orange Spice tea, a fleece throw, and my favorite magazine...Mothering. I was able to read my whole September/October issue from cover to cover. yea! In my opinion, this is the last parenting magazine you will ever need.

This magazine speaks to me like nothing else. It is about real people, real Mothers, real babies and children, doing what feels most natural and instinctual.

Most parenting magazines are filled with ads and marketing campaigns, trying to persuade the reader to buy things they don't need. I've flipped through "Parenting" magazine several times in a doctors office, and I was appalled by how much marketing and advertising persuades the content of the articles. After reading these articles and glancing at ads, I am left with an uneasy, anxious feeling--overwhelmed by the enormous load I carry as mother, who can't keep up with all the latest parenting trends and products.

Mothering Magazine
isn't about buying more stuff, it's about being Mothers, and doing what feels right. Peruse the pages, and you will find a feeling of happiness and simplicity; a feeling that will empower you to love and nurture your children, like no one else in the world is watching.

The advertisements you find in Mothering are for products designed to bring you closer to your children, and facilitate a healthy lifestyle in your family. To name a few, there are ads for baby slings and carriers, co-sleepers, natural toys, birthing classes, breastfeeding products like Lansinoh, nursing-friendly clothes, and Milk Diapers, natural Menstruation supplies, vitamins, healthy and organic foods, music for children, cloth diapers, herbal remedies, alternative schooling options, and more.
I enjoy looking at the ads, without the pressure of feeling like I need them to be a better mother, or to make happier kids. (however, a Gypsy Mama wrap is on my dream list)

The articles written are amazing, and usually exactly what I need to hear.
I've found strength and solace through reading about families just like me, all over the world, who want to live a natural, simple lifestyle with their children.
You'll find uplifting and inspiring articles on gentle discipline, attachment parenting, co-sleeping, babywearing, truthful vaccination info, crafts and fun things to do, nature walks and exploration, gentle birth choices, breastfeeding research and experiences, whole foods recipes, organic eating, homeschooling, public schooling, fun family activities, working Mothers, stay-at-home Mothers, working Fathers, and stay-at-home Fathers, good and informative book reviews, inexpensive ways to vacation, to eat, to dress, to shop, and to live, to be more environmentally conscious....to feel good about ourselves as Mothers and Parents, to help our children love and preserve our Earth...and on and on..... Real life.

This magazine makes me happy because in a sense, it is about......me. When I am having a hard parenting day it reminds me that I am real. When I am having a great parenting day, I can rejoice with millions of others. When I need a boost or need a like-minded friend, I can pick up a Mothering, and there it is.

The people at Mothering Magazine inspire you to be yourself and listen closely to the true, deep instincts of your heart. That's something we need more of in this world.