A poll! Please vote.

I have recently taken up the habit of keeping my cell phone in my bra. For those of you lucky enough to be around me when my phone rings, you have probably seen how convenient it is for me to quickly reach down and answer it!
This is actually my main motive for the new phone-bra fashion--CONVENIENCE! It's always right there, I can hear it ring, I don't panic when It's not where I thought it was...it's right there next to my heart..... Uhuuhummm...I mean, my boobs.

So why the poll? Some people have equated my new phone stashing habit with the likes of truck nuts, mullets, and drinking beer before 10am. None of which I do, but apparently I should start if I'm going to be stashing my phone in my bra.

Please vote on my poll!

Please vote only once!

At least I haven't tried this trick: