
Things I am going to do this next week.

1.Get my scraggly, frazzy fro trimmed.

2. Make Yogurt following this recipe.

3. Wake up earlier, get the kids to bed earlier, have more time with special husband in the evenings.

4. Paint the giant cactus I got at the thrift store, cover it with fake crystals, and put it on my doorstep.

5. Sew something for myself...like a bag to hold my clothespins, a new Me-tai, or whatever.

6. Experiment with a new grain. Cook with it, try new recipes with it, eat it all week until I am a pro ( or sick of it). Maybe barley.

7. Embrace my three year old for everything he is. Explore and devour his personality like he's the most phenomenal thing I've ever seen. Stop complaining about his shortcomings, like he's something hard to figure out. Love the three old old he is, and let him know it constantly.

8. Stretch my poor 30 year old body every day, limb to limb, neck ,back, blah blah blah...every day. It feels so good, why don't I be consistent?

9. Stay away from renting stupid movies from the Redbox.(i love redbox, i just need to read reviews before i choose)

10. Stop wishing that we had cool upstairs neighbors that liked us, and would come out of the house to hang out with us. Accept the fact that they are vampires and the reason they won't stop and chat is because they are resisting the urge to eat us.